KKT chillers

Arab Health 2020 - Dubai

KKT chillers

Arab Health 2020 - Dubai

Company Description

Safe cooling for imaging systems
Rely on the expertise of KKT chillers when it comes to cooling systems for imaging equipment. For over 20 years, chillers made by KKT chillers have been applied to cool highly sensitive imaging systems. Thousands of these reliable chillers are in use all around the world. The medical coolers are specifically aligned with individual products and product series of medical equipment manufacturers. The wide range of series-oriented devices is based on a modular design and can be customized perfectly to meet your requirements. KKT chillers can also offer turnkey solutions. 
Closed cooling cycle
For MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computer tomography) alike, closed-cycle cooling systems without a tank are a proven solution, as evidenced by the approx. 6,500 chillers by KKT chillers currently in use.
YOUR BENEFITS: Total weight approx. 250 kg lower than for open systems with tank. No contamination of the cooling water circuit through environmental impacts possible. No cleaning effort for tank.



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