Systec GmbH

Medlab ME 2020 - Dubai

Systec GmbH

Medlab ME 2020 - Dubai

Company Description


Systec GmbH is a manufacturer of laboratory sterilizers, autoclaves (steam sterilizers), media preparators and dispensing devices for liquid media and microbiological culture media. Systec develops and manufactures, certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, a wide range of products for the modern laboratory, science and research as well as biotechnology, pharmacy, quality control and production.

You can choose from more than 70 different types of autoclaves, with chamber volumes ranging from 40 to 1580 liters, universal installation options as a vertical top-loading or horizontal bench-top autoclave and numerous other features. We are happy to work with you to configure the optimal autoclave in terms of size and process technology, so that you can perform your sterilization process safely, precisely, reproducibly and in a validatable way. Further information on the autoclaves you can find here:

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