schwa-medico GmbH

Arab Health 2019 - Dubai

schwa-medico GmbH

Arab Health 2019 - Dubai

Company Description

For over forty years the aim of schwa-medico has been to develop products designed to enhance the quality of life for people of all ages with the focus on non-medicinal pain relief therapy and rehabilitation.
Reacting to the latest technological advances the product range has broadened to encompass additional areas such as laser therapy, ultrasonic therapy and radio frequency lesion.
The latest development are the medium frequency devices of the StimaWELL® Family: The patented StimaWELL® 120MTRS, an innovative therapy system for the treatment of back complaints which combines modulated medium frequency impulses with warmth to generate a unique therapeutic concept: Its dynamic deep waves technique enables a multi-dimensional application for back pain treatments.
The StimaWELL® EMS is the culmination of expertise gained by schwa-medico over 40 years of in -depth research in the provision of a professional medium frequency EMS device which represents the quality benchmark for cutting edge medical products.

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