Timewaver Home GmbH

Arab Health 2019 - Dubai

Timewaver Home GmbH

Arab Health 2019 - Dubai

Company Description

TimeWaver medical technology "Made in Germany“, used for diagnostics and treatment, analysing deep psychosomatic relations with the aim to solve possible underlying causes of disorders. All our systems are ISO & CE certified as medical devices class IIA.
1. TimeWaver Med: investigates correlations of bodily and mental disorders on the information level and aims to treat these with newly arranged informational pattern.
2. TimeWaver Frequency, information field controlled frequency therapy that can be used to treat several indications, e.g. depression, addictions, memory, insomnia, migraine, burnout, different kinds of pain, stomach or liver related problems, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer, hypertension, neuritis, diabetes, etc.
3. TimeWaver Home, the micro current stimulation device for patients, analyzing the right frequency at the right time for over a 100 symptoms.

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